Friday, 7 September 2012

Edinburgh Goes Boom

I had this long post all planned out about the hard part of photography, the rejection and how I dealt with it.  Luckily you can all thank my friend Steve who texted on sunday morning to say he was buying tickets for Princes (not Princess) Street Gardens so people could watch the end of festival fireworks.  After spending several years down in Inverleith for them I naturally jumped at the chance and said yes.

7.45 comes along and we all meet up and find a space to settle down in.  As the gardens fill up I take photos and before I know it I'm trapped with a sappling in the way but I decide to make the best of it and catch this photo before the fire works start.

The fireworks were spectacular and the obligatory setting fire to the castle rock was good too.

Anyway with out further ado here are the photos, thanks for reading this nice and short post.